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This is way to difficult.

Fun but froze early on..

I loved it! Sadly it was very hard to survive haha, the art is beautiful I just wish I could survive longer! 

I broke your game :(
All of the additions from the shop don't UI scale, so they just take over the whole screen when you add too many.

This was like a Turn 14-15 run or something.

nice! it was only designed for max 10 lol

Nice game!
It may already have crossed your mind, but you could add numbers on them instead of listing them several times, this will make it scale more favourably

I really enjoyed this game - i wish it was a little better balanced or not quite so luck dependant. My best run was round 7, and that only happened once out of a few dozen.

I'd love to play it some more when it's gotten a few balance tweaks! There's a lot of potential here!

thanks for playing! im still thinking a solution for the randomness! any advice?

Here is an option: Don't just make it fully random, but tweak it a bit in the players favor. How much is of course subjective, but for example if you have a cow and a baby you could increase the chance that they spawn next to each other. Or if you know that it's generally required to get a farmer early on, make sure you'll always have a farmer as an option in the first three rounds. Or unlock new tile types as the game progresses, e.g. ravens arent useful until turn 7 or so when the pest starts appearing, so you can think about not giving the players ravens at the beginning.

Additionally (or alternatively) you could think about letting the player adjust (some) tile placements before the round starts, maybe for a fee. 

Or maybe they can somehow adjust their chances for specific tiles generally or next turn.

Plenty of ideas, which one fits your idea and your game is of course for you to figure out :D

thanks so much! I will keep thinking on this!

Had a run go so well it crashed the game, it snow balled so fast, crashed turn 7

hahah try downloading the webgl is very unstable.

Really fun game! Great art and music, and really smooth gameplay with a fun idea. Would love to see this as a bigger game with more features for later stages, but really well done for the jam!

Really well done with so much room to grow (pun intended), I would love to see this become a bigger game. 

This is a great game and so addictive! However, I think the pests should be less persistent, and I'd love to see more content added to the game 😁 Hope you are ok with this?

yes the pests is bugged right now. should not spread more than 1 tile. thanks for playing and streaming!

Best combined roguelike with farming!

Nice, juicy farming roquelite! Good luck in the JAM